Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to easily stay secure online? Simple and easy tips!

Every single time you connect online did you know that you face dangerous Computer security hazards. Viruses, Trojans, Root-Kits, hackers, and junk e-mail await you at every turn. The truth is that these menaces are forever going to comprise a constituent of being connected and also doing business online.

There are a number of safeguards you will be able to take to make yourself and your computer systems safe.

I will now list out to you the best proven tactics to enhance your Internet security whenever you are online:

Virus Protection. Make certain you've the up-to-the-minute virus updates installed on your system and allow the software to exhaustively scan your entire computer every day to guarantee that no computer virus are successfully embedded themselves on your disk drive. Use a modern anti-virus like VIPRE Antivirus Software to scan both your computer and your email. AVG, McAfee and Norton likewise offer similar products.

VIPRE used to initially produce CounterSpy which was a leading spyware and malware protection software online from many years.

Spam Blocker. I've a junk e-mail blocking agent that I use with Microsoft Outlook called Cloudmark Desktop that fares a excellent task of assisting my Microsoft Outlook to distinguish junk e-mail.

Use a Alias E-mail address : For instance, whenever I'm signing up for a free technology mailing list / product news, I might use something like, which will then end up with a special label in my gmail Inbox. Therein, you do not have to divulge your "real" e-mail address, and you will be able to ascertain whenever the list holder trades or leases your e-mail address to another. Therefore, if you all of a sudden start to get emails to your e-mail address from a hard disk maker you have never heard of, you'll know that the technology mailing list folks traded or leased your e-mail address to others.

Firewalls: Always make certain that you are using a firewall protection. At a lower limit, to protect your computer from being hacked while you're online you can use Windows Firewall. Or, use a free firewall like COMODO. Whenever you use a wireless router, make sure to configure a password to secure it so that anyone going past your residence or office can't hijack your signal and possibly hack your computer network. I was readjusting the wireless connection on my laptop last night and came across several unsecured wireless connections in my vicinity. I reside in a residential area without any business organizations, thus I cognize that these represented insecure wireless routers in my neighbors' residences.

Be safe and enjoy the internet super highway.

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