Thursday, November 5, 2009

Simple Steps to easily get an invite to the New Orkut for Free

A new avatar of the popular social networking website - Orkut has been launched a few days back by Google. It seems that Google has finally woken up to the strides taken by Facebook to make it more leaner, fun and simple to work with. The new Orkut seems more like a union of the existing (or should I say OLD) Orkut and Facebook.

Orkut has been on a steady on a decline as more and more users are switching to FaceBook. This includes even me - I too was a loyal Orkut user for years until I was sucked into Facebook a few months / year back and ever since haven't looked back.

So the new Orkut is only open to private invitations currently. Here's how you can easily get an invite to access the all new Orkut. Since the new Orkut is available to only a few users - so make haste!!

Follow the steps given below and you can easily get a Free invite to use the new Orkut :
  • Head to the Official webpage of the new Orkut Community.
  • On the page you will find a link marked as "BE THE FIRST TO PREVIEW THE NEW ORKUT HERE!". Click on it and it opens a form to enter your details and lo!! your on your way to get an invite for the all new Orkut!!
Ain't this simple? Do try it atleast for the fun of it.

Here are a few screen shots of the all new Orkut.

Here is also an official video released by Google. BTW, most of this work was done at the Google R&D hub at Hyderabad, India.

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