Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Running Windows 7 MileStone1 on a Pentium III 500MHz :: Exclusive Screenshots

The Microsoft team keeps impressing us all with each release of the much famed Windows Platform. But I guess they have gone many steps ahead with the upcoming release of Windows 7 (The next version of Windows that will be launched sometime in end 2009 / 2010 - Vista's heir).

Well, with the Windows Vista many of us had to upgrade our processors, RAM, Graphics Card, Hard Disks, DVD Drives, etc - this list became a huge nightmare to many who wanted to upgrade to a new version of Windows but didn't want to spend so much on new hardware.

Seems like the engineers at Microsoft over-heard us all - the newly released beta of the Windows 7 Milestone 1 runs on a Intel Pentium III processor with a single 500Mhz core - can you really believe this? Also, it runs perfectly on a mere 512MB RAM!! Vista's hardware requirements are almost double of this.

Below are some exclusive screenshots of Windows 7 MileStone1 running on a Pentium III 500MHz - 512MB machine.

Click on ScreenShot to Enlarge

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